Welcome to the platform dedicated to young quartets. The aim of this site is to provide advice, testimonials and contacts to support young musicians in their careers. You will find practical and theoretical information in five categories: various resources such as directories of professionals and institutions, a section on interpretation and musical practice, another on relations with the public, advice on individual and collective health, as well as the opportunity to introduce yourself.

A workshop festival

In years other than competition years, Vibre ! is also a time for residency and teaching of a new kind for the most promising young quartets.

High-level master-classes

Organised for the four guest quartets, the Vibre ! masterclasses are based on the expertise and experience of the festival’s artistic directors to create a programme specifically adapted to their needs. Supervised by members of the Modigliani Quartet and other leading quartets, these masterclasses in instrumental practice aim to work on technique, harmony and the interpretation of works that may later be entered in international competitions.

This support comes at a pivotal moment in the careers of young quartets, between the end of their studies and the start of their professional lives. Some masterclasses will be open to the public.

And professional workshops

In addition to the masterclasses in instrumental practice, thematic workshops will be organised to give emerging quartets an insight into the professional environment of classical music.

Specific work on the repertoire and aesthetics of the quartet will be put in place by musicologist Jean-Michel Molkhou. A violinist and music critic for the magazines Diapason and Classica, and the author of several reference works on the violin and the string quartet, he works with each young quartet to listen to music and reflect on the aesthetics of performance.

Sound engineer Hugues Deschaux, a European reference in the field, and his team offer a workshop on ‘sound recording’ under professional conditions.

Antoine Zanghi, a physiotherapist specialising in the treatment of artists’ bodies, will be offering a workshop on posturology and the prevention of traumas and pathologies affecting string musicians.

Every year, the Vibre ! festival works in association with lawyers from the Bordeaux Bar Association, who will be giving the selected quartets legal workshops on intellectual property, contracts, streaming (how to own your name, etc.), as well as on how to present a project and speak in public.